Site elevation:   3039.01' AMSL

943m AMSL

County of operation:   Riverside County

Location:   N33 50 59.73 / W117 39 14.67 NAD83

Structure:   120' Tower

30m Tower

574m HAAT

Land owner:   USFS

Physical address:   7625 Blackstar Canyon, US Forest Service

                                  Site #17, Cleveland National Forest,





                                  Corona, Riverside County, CA. 92882







Site phone:    951 963-9311 (Fireline Ext. 2010)

Emergency Power: Yes

Security:  24 hour building alarm and recorded video cameras

50 watt ERP to a mobile receiver on a 1/4 wave antenna 6 feet above the ground

yellow is >10uv for 12db SINAD

brown is >1uv for 12db SINAD

green is >.25uv for 12db SINAD

white is <.25uv for 12db SINAD